9flats NEWS
9flats lands in the Americas
Exciting news! We’re delighted to announce that we have joined with North American private rentals site, iStopOver. We’re really excited to expand into a whole new continent and to welcome some great new people to our team.

iStopOver meets 9flats (and the Berlin wall)
This acquisition means we’ve now firmly arrived in North America, and have opened our first office there in Toronto, Canada. The best part for you, is that you’ll have thousands more places to choose from in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Vancouver…
…but noooot quite yet. We’re working on merging both platforms over the next few weeks and will let you know when the two websites become one. In the meantime, head over here to browse for great new places to stay: www.istopover.com
Even more hours in the day
With the iStopOver customer services team joining us, we’ve doubled our support team. This means iStopOver guests and hosts can still count on the same excellent support they’re used to from the iStopOver team, while 9flats customers can now enjoy longer opening hours.
We’ll be telling you more over the coming weeks, but before then, if you have any questions, just email us at hello@9flats.com or add a comment below. We’d be happy to answer your queries and hear what you think about our news!