travel tips
9flats top tips: Spring – Queen’s Day in the Netherlands
As the best-selling American author Greg Anderson correctly pointed out, “Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey”. We forget that on the way to that long awaited beach holiday there’s far from few other events we really shouldn’t be less excited about.
Holland: Queen’s day
In this week’s Top Tip we look at Holland and its traditional Spring time celebrations. Towards the end of April, after months of hard and obviously enthusiastic work, a number of fantastic flower parades are put on show throughout the country. Thousands of spectators are left speechless each year and the huge, towering and moving statues are creative examples of what must surely be the world’s most daring flower compositions, making these parades a unique festivity which we strongly recommend you to visit.

Queen’s day, photo by olmed0
Aside from a long weekend touring through the colorful Dutch countryside, we also suggest you make your way towards Amsterdam and experience the madness that is “Queens day”. Each year on the 30th of April, millions of Dutch dress up in their national color (orange) and party hard all day and night in honour of their Queens’ birthday. Music stages of various sizes are strewn across the city; uncountable little boats and other makeshift floating things slowly bump and squeeze their way through Amsterdam’s network of picturesque canals; people dance in the streets… the entire thing is definitely a European highlight not to be missed!
Here is just one of our beautiful 9flats in Amsterdam.