Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: what’s new at 9flats?
Presenting to you 9 tiny tweaks to the face of 9flats…

David Bowie, master of reinvention (photo by Thuany Gabriela, Flickr)
Stars like David Bowie and Madonna understand the value of changing and adapting to keep giving their audience what they want. We like to think we do too, and think it’s important to keep reinventing ourselves to give you what you want and need.
Most often it’s the little changes that can make the biggest difference. A font, a colour, a button, all of these can help to improve your experience as a guest or a host. Here are the latest adjustments our clever innovation team have made to, just for you. We hope you like them:
1. A new-look homepage: check it out! It’s cleaner and, we think, prettier.
- 2. New search results page: with easier-to-find filters and clearer layout.
- 3. €30 campaign ‘first review’ bonuses: to ensure the quality of our listings, give new hosts a boost and help you save money, we’re rewarding you with a €30 9flats credit campaign every time you leave the first review for a place.
- 4. €10 per Facebook friend: we’ve made it easier to earn money when you recommend us to your Facebook friends. If you have lots of friends, this is a great way of earning yourself a free holiday.
- 5. More intuitive log in: now, when you log in, you’ll stay on the page you were on, rather than sending you to your profile.
- 6. Easier account navigation: when you’re logged in, roll over your name at the top of the homepage and you’ll see a handy drop down menu that will take to where you want to go in your account in one click.
- 7. New emails: we’ve fixed our booking emails so they’re simpler, shorter and easier to understand.
Especially for hosts…
- 8. Instant text accept: you can now accept or decline booking requests by replying directly to text notifications, without having to log in. If you haven’t already, add your mobile number to your profile so you can make life easier for yourself.
- 9. Minimum lead time: if you need longer to plan for a guest’s arrival, you can fix it so that guests can only book up to two days before check-in in your availability calendar.
Stardust or oddity?
You like? Remember, we’re able to continue making improvements like these because of your feedback, so please keep it coming.